
List of annotations

Metadata which do not correspond to a configuration flag are listed here.


Allows allocation and deallocation of the annotated struct type using ammer.Lib.allocStruct and ammer.Lib.freeStruct, respectively. See allocation and deallocation.


Marks that the annotated argument should be cast to the given C type before being passed to the native call.


(Alias: @:ammer.macroCall)

Marks the annotated function as a macro call. See macro calls.


Adds the given C code into the native function, before the return expression. The arguments to the native call are available in the _arg0, ..., _argN local variables. See customising the C code.


Uses the given C expression instead of the return expression. The arguments to the native call are available in the _arg0, ..., _argN local variables. The string %CALL%, if used in code, will be replaced with the original return expression. See customising the C code.



Specifies the name for the generated static allocation function. See allocation and deallocation.

Specifies the name for the generated instance deallocation function. See allocation and deallocation.


Specifies the name for the generated static null pointer function. See allocation and deallocation.


Allows the annotated function to have a Haxe body, skipping ammer processing. See pure Haxe functions.


Specifies the native name of the annotated function or field.


Specifies the prefix for native names. The native name will be derived as "prefix" + "the field name", unless overridden on the field itself with @:ammer.native.

@:ammer.ret.derive(e:Expr, ct:Type)


Marks the given function argument to be skipped for the underlying native call.


Marks the given type sub as a "subdefinition" of the annotated library. See linking subdefinitions.

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