
Library definition

To define a library, extend ammer.def.Library<...> with a Haxe class. The type parameter for ammer.def.Library should be a string identifier for the native library. This identifier is used in the library configuration, so it must only consist of letters and underscores.

Example: library definition

package foo;

class Foobar extends ammer.def.Library<"foobar"> {
  // ...

In this example, foo.Foobar is an ammer library definition for the native library called foobar. A library definition typically includes metadata which configures properties such as the include path, the language of the native library, headers to use, etc. See configuration for more details.

The fields of a library definition consist of functions and variables. Libraries can also be split up into several classes, see sublibraries.

Metadata applicable to library definitions

Metadata can be attached to the library definition class. This allows for configuration of the library compilation, its source language, header files, and more. See the full metadata descriptions for more information:

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