
Project-wide configuration

When building a project that uses an ammer library there are two flags which are required: the build and output paths. Other, optional flags, allow enabling the debug mode for ammer, setting target-specific options, or configuring the build system.


There are two paths that need to be configured before ammer can continue compilation.

The build path, configured using -D ammer.buildPath, specifies a path used as an intermediate directory. During compilation, ammer creates C files containing the glue code required to use a native library with the currently selected Haxe target. These files, as well as the intermediate outputs of the C compiler, are all placed into the build path. The build path is created if it does not exist.

The output path, configured using -D ammer.outputPath, specifies the path for the resulting ammer-built dynamic libraries, which are files with the extensions .dll, .so, .dylib, .hdll, or .ndll. These files must be distributed with the final executable for the library to function properly.

Debug mode

Full debug logging for ammer can be enabled using -D ammer.debug=all. During compilation, this will cause a lot of additional output that may be useful for ammer-debugging purposes.

Target-specific configuration

The configuration flags specific to each target are described in the target details section. These flags are prefixed with the target they apply to. For example, ammer.hl. is the prefix for all HashLink-specific configuration flags.

Build system configuration


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